Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Does Medicare Pay Doctors Less?

This article breaks down the true cost of Medicare and exactly where those dollars are being spent. For years it was believed that doctors pocketed big bucks from the inflated costs of Medicare but this article challenges that belief. Read more to learn the behind the scenes details of health insurance.
Medicare has the bad rap of being a big, bloated government program, but it's not because it's overpaying doctors. CNNMoney analyzed the "allowed charges" for five common procedures, using data provided the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Truven Health Analytics, a research firm. The differences can be stark. Private insurers allow an average of $1,226 for low-back disc surgery, while Medicare will only permit $654, for instance. And the gap can grow wider depending on where the patient is. In New York, insurers allow $1,352 for a gall bladder removal, compared to $580 for Medicare. Some services are more comparable. For office visits by established patients, for instance, Medicare will allow 92% of what insurers do. Overall, Medicare's allowed charges are roughly 80% of the charges allowed by private insurers - about the same as they have been since 1999.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

All Types of Insurance Under One Roof

You need insurance coverage, be it to protect your home, auto, business, the future of your loved ones, or a variety of other needs. We offer all types of insurance under one roof.
Most insurance companies will offer you similar services. But as a customer, you must know how the services are offered, and what value you’re getting. Because these things can make a big difference later on. B & B Insurance Agency has been providing services that are dependable, world-class, and extend well beyond the sale of an insurance policy.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

10 Practical Steps to Personal Finances

Personal finance is a huge topic of discussion across dinner tables and coffee shops around the world. It's a topic that touches every generation, class and ethnicity. With all of the finance gurus on tv and online sorting out the right information can be challenging. Here are 10 practical  steps to getting your finances on track.
Top 10 things to know when budgeting your money and setting financial priorities. 
1. Narrow your objectives. You probably won't be able to achieve every financial goal you've ever dreamed of. So identify your goals clearly and why they matter to you, and decide which are most important. By concentrating your efforts, you have a better chance of achieving what matters most. 
2. Focus first on the goals that matter. To accomplish primary goals, you will often need to put desirable but less important ones on the back burner. 
3. Be prepared for conflicts. Even worthy goals often conflict with one another. When faced with such a conflict, you should ask yourself questions like: Will one of the conflicting goals benefit more people than the other? Which goal will cause the greater harm if it is deferred? 
4. Put time on your side. The most important ally you have in reaching your goals is time. Money stashed in interest-earning savings accounts or invested in stocks and bonds grows and compounds. The more time you have, the more chance you have of success. Your age is a big factor - younger people (who have more time to build their nest egg) can invest differently than older ones. Generally, younger people can take greater risks than older people, given their longer investment horizon. 
5. Choose carefully. In drawing up your list of goals, you should look for things that will help you feel financially secure, happy or fulfilled. Some of the items that wind up on such lists include building an emergency fund, getting out of debt and paying kids' tuitions. Once you have your list together, you need to rank the items in order of importance (if you have trouble doing so, use the CNNMoney.com Prioritizer for help).

Friday, April 25, 2014

Do You Have Enough Health Insurance?

Do you have enough Health Insurance?Many employers provide health insurance to their employees. But for others, it is up to them to provide their own health insurance. In either case, you may not have enough coverage for costly medical expenses. Ideally, you should make the effort to examine your health insurance plan to determine if you need to purchase more, change your policy, or even reduce what you have. If you have any questions or need more information contact our office today.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

New Highs for National Home Prices

 Say hello to higher home prices in these seven metro areas. The house market has taken a pretty wild roller coaster ride over the last decade, with unbelievable peak points and plummeting price points. While some cities are experiencing a stagnant trend in the housing market, others are noticing the complete opposite. This article highlights seven cities and their recent rise in home prices.
While home values nationwide are still down 13.5% from their pre-housing bust peaks, prices in these major housing markets have recovered -- and then some, according to Zillow. Home value now*: $143,200 Housing boom peak: $146,300 Big Oil, and the big money it has brought with it, has kept Dallas' economy running on all cylinders. Low building costs and plenty of cheap land to build on, helped to keep home prices from overheating during the boom years. Yet, they still fell rather dramatically during the bust, said Stan Humphries, the chief economist for Zillow. Related: Buy vs. rent: What you'll pay in 10 cities Median home values were just above $146,000 at the market peak in early 2007, and fell 13% to just below $127,000 by late 2011. An influx of jobs has helped prices recover. Zillow expects home values in Dallas to hit a new high by next spring, if not sooner.

Monday, April 14, 2014

2 Things to Know Before Purchasing Health Insurance

Pre-existing conditions and time limits on policies can greatly impact the overall cost of health insurance. Be sure you're equipped with the proper information regarding your coverage. Some insurance policies put a time limit on illnesses and injuries. In that case, after the benefit period for a condition has expired, you must pay for continuing the treatment of the illness on actual cost basis, even if you are still insured by the company. Many insurance policies do not cover pre-existing conditions. If you arrive with a condition that will require medical attention, verify the pre-existing aspect of the policy that you are reviewing.

Understanding Deductibles...

Are you muddling over health insurance options? Are you confused with the insurance industry's terminology and lethargic contracts? We've published free resources to help you navigate the health insurance process. Most insurance policies require you to cover part of your health expenses yourself . The portion covered out of your own pocket is called the "deductible". This money requirement is paid before the company pays anything. Under some policies the deductible is annual, and you pay only once each year if you use the insurance. Under others, you pay the deductible each time you have an illness or injury. In choosing insurance, you should think carefully about how much you can afford to pay out of your own pocket each time you are sick or injured, and weigh the deductible against the premium before you decide. If you have questions about health insurance we're here to help.We can assist you in finding the right coverage for you at the right cost for your pockets. Visit our Health Insurance Resource page for more information on health coverage.

Insurance Tips: Ways to Save on Auto Insurance

The requirements of auto insurance vary from state to state. Some states demand more coverage than others.  Before purchasing auto insurance be sure to check the legal requirements in your state and read these tips on how to save on Auto Insurance.

Ways to Save on Auto Insurance
-Keep your driving record clean. The more faults you make, the higher the premium.
- Installing security devices such as car alarms, air bags, and other safety devices will generally lower your premium.
-Raising your deductible can help you lower your premium amount. But you should be ready to pay more out-of-pocket if you meet with an accident.

Insurance Tips: Tips to Save on Homeowner's Insurance

For many families their home is consider their largest asset and protecting that asset is imperative to their future. There are many ways to save on the rising cost of protecting your home. Check out these tips on lowering the cost of homeowner's insurance.

Tips to Save on Homeowner's Insurance
-You must speak to a reliable insurance expert to know how much coverage you need.
-There is no need to pay excess amount if you know what is essential to be covered under a homeowner’s insurance policy.
-Install electronic security alarms to reduce the cost of insurance.
-Ask for a deductible if your home is made of fire resistant material.

Insurance Tips: Ways to Save on Life Insurance

Having the proper life insurance policy is the foundation for building a solid financial house for you and your family. Contrary to popular belief buying life insurance doesn't have to be extremely expensive. Having the right resources and the right timing can make a huge difference in your monthly and annual life insurance costs. Utilize these tips to get the policy you need with an affordable premium.

Ways to Save on Life Insurance:
 -Buy Life Insurance when you are young
 -Buy the right amount of coverage and the right length of Term Life Insurance
 -Make sure you deal with a licensed provider who covers all underwriting criteria in case you fall under one or more risk factors
 -Ask for discounts if you intend to pay your premium annually, or monthly via electronic fund transfer
 -Review your Life Insurance policy at regular intervals

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Property Insurance Pitfalls: What's Liability?

Liability is an extremely important provision inside your property insurance. This provision extends to a certain extent for neighboring homes or guests of your residence. If your home burns down and the fire spreads to the house next door the additional home should be covered. Liability also comes to assistance if a guest is injured on your property.

Get General Liability Info HERE

Property Insurance Pitfalls: Do I need insurance?

Many U.S. state laws require some form of insurance. The specific coverage and policy demands vary from state to state. Fortunately, insurance policies are often offered n bundled packages, saving the policy holder money over the course of time. Be sure to gather all of the details regarding your policies and gain clarity if you are unaware of the requirements held in your state.

Property Insurance Pitfalls: Additional Coverage

Knowing the specifics concerning our additional property insurance coverage can help you sleep better at night. Depending on your state of residence various rules may apply to your policy. In some states home base businesses are not commonly included in coverage. Additionally, if you own multiple homes for vacationing and seasonal travel higher premiums may be applied to cover vacancy.

Property Insurance Pitfalls: Understanding Premium

One of the most important pieces to understanding property insurance is how much is it costing you? We all want great coverage at a great price. Many factors play a part in determining your property insurance premium. Do you reside in a high risk area? High risk areas are places that may be prone to flooding, hurricanes or tornadoes? How sound is your credit score? Do you own a pet? Are you a smoker? The answers to these questions and more have the ability to drastically increase or decrease your insurance premiums. Still not sure if you're paying to much? Contact us to learn more (561) 586-0029.

Property Insurance Pitfalls: Understanding Coverage

Home owners insurance is one of the most important pieces to building a solid financial future. Over the course of life our homes become one of our biggest assets providing shelter for our most important assets of all, our families. One common property insurance pitfall to avoid is knowing the actual coverage for repairs.
Review your policy to determine if repairs are covered at actual cash value also know as ACV or covered at replacement cost. The price difference between both terms of coverage is vastly noted. The cost of ACV is usually  much lower than replacement. If you have more questions concerning your property insurance policy contact us at (561) 586-0029.